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Around the Garden-New Town Garden Tour

This week I am going to share with you photos of the New Town Garden Tour that was held this weekend.  These are just teasers and I am hoping others will share their photos, too.  The Garden Club held its pre-tour on Friday so that all the workers could see the gardens on the tour.

Each garden was unique to its special properties which I will try to highlight in each photo.  I hope you will enjoy the tour!

The back porch to a really beautiful garden.  Hanging planters on the privacy fence and a special water feature and eating area are not seen.  The garage is detached and creates this pocket garden between the house and garage.

These flowers grace the front of the house.  The house is located by a canal on its west side and all the garden space is there.  The sitting area has a beautiful pergola with a beautiful ironworks light in the center.

This house faces a lake.  This backyard courtyard features the beautiful fountain you see in the background.

These flowers are an example of the multiple pots of annuals that surround the home.  All the yard is in ground cover, with plant or mulch.  The yard space is low maintenance in this home.

This home features a v shaped courtyard with a space right off the back door as you see here, with a garden bench, this arbor and another seating area with an concrete umbrella stand and trellis. 

This garden is nearly completely covered in flagstone and large rounded stones.  It also features a large cascading water feature.  The owners recently moved in and have many plans for updating this space.

This tiny space is well utilized.  The paver patio connects the back porch to the garage and is a delightful seating area full of beautiful annuals and the clematis you see in the background.  A gorgeous spot for coffee in the morning and wine at night!

This garden has the most beautiful water feature, a LARGE stone drilled down the middle with water gurgling from the top.  It is most definitely the feature in this garden but there is a beautiful, zen-like seating area and a hammock, too!
This beautiful garden feature a lovely, carpet like yard, in addition to a gorgeous seating space right off the back door.  This lovely patch of annuals surrounds a huge tree sporting lime green (new growth) and purple leaves.  It was spectacular.
The pre tour was wonderful.  We had had a big storm pull in an hour before the tour started, and some plants were a little messed up, but still each garden's charm was apparent from the moment we stepped into it.  New Town gardens are small and private, with each one having unique characteristics that set them apart from the others.  I enjoyed this pre tour so much.  Thank you to our garden tour participants!

Head over to this party to see more gardens and tours!  Enjoy!


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