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Around the Garden

Sunday was a lovely day to take a drive into South St. Louis and garden shop!  We love the nurseries along Barrett Road and make an annual trip to visit them.  Today we were pleased with the selection and we were not the only ones who were thinking about their gardens!

When we returned home, we got busy planting!  We planted in the front, side, and back gardens.  We planted flowers, herbs, trees, bushes, hostas, and vegetables.  We pulled weeds, raked mulch and finally just had to stop!  We still have a few more left to put into the ground!

I have started to love succulents!  This wreath is adorable!

Sherwood Nursery created figures from bushes!!

This one is a butterfly!

Our newest garden, cora bells, hostas, lavender.

When I saw this rosemary bush, I had to have it!

Our purple coneflowers have not liked this spot for two years.  We are trying Shasta Daisies this year!

None of the flowers in the front have blooms yet, so will save those for a later post!  Happy gardening, and I'd love to know what is new in your garden!

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