Over the weekend we spent time in Indiana with our daughter who lives in Bloomington. She has been there for several years now, and one of our favorite things to do is to go to the Farmer's Market, which is probably the. single. best. Farmers'. Market. we have been to, and we've been to plenty. Part of what makes it special is that the local restaurant scene comes out in full force so there are plenty of food options available as well as vegetables, plants, honey, eggs, meats, flowers, and even bamboo poles.
As we were looking around, I spotted this beautiful bunch of radishes. I have always thought radishes were beautiful, but wasn't particularly fond of their peppery taste. A little in a salad goes a long ways for me. At a $1.25 a bunch, this was also a good economic choice as you can eat both the radish and the greens.
I had recently read about roasting radishes and I decided to give them a try. We were picking up bread, cheese, meat and fruit at the Farmers' Market, so I decided to get the radishes as a side for our meal.
One of our favorite chefs in the St. Louis area is Chef Gerard Craft. I had read his recipe for roasted radishes and it is the one we tried.
For a bunch of radishes, wash the radishes, trim the greens, cut into halves, and wash the greens. Pat them all dry. Preheat oven to 450. In a large, ovenproof skillet, heat up 2 T olive oil. Add the radishes, and salt and pepper. Let cook until turning brown. Put into the oven to finish roasting for 15 minutes. Remove from oven (pan will be HOT!) and add 2 T unsalted butter. After butter melts, add greens and continue to cook until greens wilt. Finish with the juice of 1/2 lemon. Serve hot.
This dish completely changes the nature of the radish. The vegetable has a sweet finish and with the slightly bitter greens, is a perfect side for our cheeses and meats and sourdough bread. I cannot wait to make these again.
Update: I love radishes and have written a few new posts on radishes, one for Radish Top Pesto and Radishes with Ricotta. I also discovered a new recipe by Jen Reviews called Radish Quinoa that I must try! Not only does the recipe sound amazing, but there is fabulous information there on how good radishes are for your overall health. Check it out, you all!
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Around the Garden: Roasted Radishes
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