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Green Bean Delivery Service

My husband and I made a decision back in 2012 that we wanted to eat healthier food, not just getting away from processed foods but actually eating food that came from local farms, or farms that we could actually go and visit, such as those who sell at Farmer's Markets. For one entire summer we purchased only food that came from a 50 mile radius. That was an interesting summer! It got us interested in growing some of our own produce. We've always had some type of garden, but we really concentrated on getting items that we knew we'd eat regularly.

We talked to our neighbors about this and found that many of them were using a delivery service called Green Bean Delivery. When we did our research, we were really excited about joining in on this service. The food is grown on The Feel Good Farm in central Indiana and the EcOhio Farm near Cincinnati. Both farms encourage natural habitats for wildlife. Other farms provide produce that is in season.  We like that the farms and company are family owned, that we manage our produce online, personalizing our deliveries to what we want and like, the food is fresh and guaranteed, and that we can also purchase locally produced foods.

Here's how it works for us: I get an email from Green Bean that says my order is due by noon on Monday (this is for a Thursday delivery). I log onto the site, and place my order.  We order a small bin (there are a choice of three sizes) and it comes pre-filled, which we then adjust to our liking.  Some of our neighbors never look at the website, just allowing whatever appears at their doorstep to be the veggies of the week.  We spend approximately $40 every other week on veggies for the two of us. We eat a lot of veggies!! I submit my order and then an email arrives to confirm it. On Thursday, a cute little Green Bean delivery truck stops by the house and delivers this to our porch:

Green Bean Delivery crate

We bring the crate inside and start to unpack it.  It looks like this we when start:

The crate is lined with styrofoam and filled with ice packets.  Don't worry, the styrofoam and the ice packets are returned each week, you trade out this crate for the next one, and reused. 

Once the top lid is opened, it reveals this:

the fruits and veggies that are packed inside!  I usually set them all out and look at each carefully.  I like to make sure each bundle is fresh, and I have never found a veggie that wasn't!

This is what this crate held:  two cauliflower, a broccoli, a cabbage, a romaine, a cucumber, a bag of Brussels sprouts, blueberries and strawberries, cilantro and two avocados.  Yum!

We are sold on this type of slow food eating! 

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