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Around the House Monday

March has begun and it came in like a lion!  Five inches of snow on the ground, snowing for about twelve hours.  It was lovely when it started.  As the snow piled up, it became apparent that this was going to be a wet, heavy snow. 

For my tastes, we have had the perfect winter, cold, with patches of snow falling, but then sunshine almost immediately, so that the roads cleared quickly but the snow stayed on the ground. I love this combination of weather patterns!

Around Our Home Monday deck

Evening photo, after snowing for about four hours.  This is the new deck in the front of the photo.  You can see the bottle tree in the background, along with the firepit.

Around Our Home Monday backyard

Still around 9:00 p.m.  I love using the flash to get the snow streaks.  You can see the paw prints of our little ones...or are they??  Look closely, because you will see that this is rabbit prints.  They came to the back door and LOOKED IN.  They had to, the prints were facing the door.  No wonder our dogsons go ballistic now and then!

Around Our Home Monday streetview

This is Sunday morning, around 8:00 a.m.  No snowplow has touched our streets.  I don't mind, though, as I think it is quite pretty.  Everyone seems to be at home, not many cars were around.  The solid whiteness of the streets, sidewalks and porches!

Around Our Home Monday gardengate

Around to the west side of the house, you can see that the snow is up around the garden gate a few inches.  Love how the orange sculpture looks against the snow.

Around Our Home Monday frontporch

Coming back to the porch, don't you love how the snow is sticking to our neighbor's hydrangeas? Such a pretty thing.  Our porch is snow covered and there won't be any porch sitting tonight!

Around Our Home Monday sunset

Days end, you can see the streets have had the snow removed, and our heavy, wet snow is piled by the streets.  My guess is that we will have school tomorrow in most places.  The street crews did a fine job!  Beautiful sunset here at New Town at Saint Charles.  This is Around Our Home Monday.


  1. We both shared snow this week!

  2. Christine Sempetrean Smith7:48 PM

    Your deck looks amazing! And when the snow finally melts I'm sure you'll be able to enjoy it.

  3. Brittany Sherman11:01 AM

    Oh you're right up the street from me! Im near main street. We loved the snow too. Our annual tradition for a good snow day is making cinnamon rolls and watching The Seven Year Itch

  4. The pictures are beautiful! Snow is beautiful, not always pleasant, but pretty to look at! Great pictures!

  5. Gail Akeman9:05 PM

    I am so down with snow here in Illinois as well.
