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Valentine's Day Fun

Love seeing the red hearts and pink lace floating around the internet. Red is my favorite color, with pink a very close second.  Pink roses are my favorite flower.  I don't really believe one needs a holiday for saying "I love you" to your honey, but I do like that we have one!

I made our Valentine's plans for Saturday.  I took a bit of a different twist on it:  we are doing some more casual type things.  First, I booked our dinner at....

White Castle.

Bob was stunned.  No, I mean the type of stunned that converts to being speechless.  Not a usual pattern for Bob, nope, not at all.  What might have made me book at White Castle?

I read a bunch of fun articles last year in the newspaper about how White Castle goes all out to decorate for Valentine's Day, including tablecloths and napkins, prints a menu and seats you at a table.  I also talked to a New Town friend who has actually gone to White Castle on Valentine's Day. That sound like FUN to me.  I do FUN.  And, we happen to have tickets to the Beach Boys afterwards...it sounded like a nice combination of events.  We might even wear jeans.

After the Beach Boys we'll have dessert at home.  Both Bob and I are watching our intake carefully (so we'll have to plan for our White Castle burgers!) so I thought I could make a dessert that would be less fattening than the ones at a restaurant and I did find the one I plan to make.

I'll share the recipe later, but I will hint that it has chocolate and avocados in it.  Intrigued??  Recipe and photo from As Easy As Apple Pie blog.

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