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Tipsy Chocolate Cherry Cookies #CreativeCookieExchange

I am participating in a new to me adventure with a group of ladies who like to make cookies!  If you are a hashtag follower, check out #CreativeCookieExchange!

The theme this month is Drunken Cookies! Cookies made with booze and/or inspired by booze, we have them all! If you are a blogger and want to join in the fun, contact Laura at thespicedlife AT gmail DOT com and she will get you added to our Facebook group, where we discuss our cookies and share links.

This month's theme, Drunken Cookies, was actually quite a relief for me.  Many of you might remember that I made the Tipsy Cherries that my friends and family like so well but forgot to actually dip them in chocolate!  So I had two jars of maraschino cherries soaking in cherry vodka for nearly two months.  When this theme came about, I was sure I was going to find a way to incorporate these cherries into my cookie.

I did.

I based my recipe on a version of an oatmeal cookie, but I wanted it to be chocolate, too, to get that chocolate covered cherry taste.  So with a little experimentation, I made Tipsy Chocolate Cherry Cookies.  Here's how.

First, drain a small jar of maraschino cherries.  Replace the juice with cherry vodka.  Reseal and store in the refrig for a minimum of a week, but up to two months is fine too.  ;)

When the cherries have soaked long enough, drain the vodka off the cherries and pat dry.  Chop into fourths.  Set aside.

Combine the following:

1/2 c cocoa
1 1/2 c flour
1 t baking soda
1/2 t salt
1 c brown sugar, packed
1/2 c granulated sugar
1 1/2 c oats
1/2 t cinnamon
1/4 t nutmeg
1/2 chocolate chips

Combine the following:
3/4 c oil (not olive oil)
2 eggs
1 T milk

Preheat oven to 350.  Grease cookie sheets or line with parchment paper.  Combine dry ingredients with wet ingredients with a mixer until combined.  Fold in chopped cherries.  Scoop 1 T batter onto cookie sheets.  Bake 14 minutes.  Let cool for 2 minutes, then remove from cookie sheet and cool thoroughly.  Cookies will be light brown and chewy.

These cookies are moist and chewy and the cherries are the perfect addition to this chocolatey cookie. I hope you give them a try, and let me know if you do! 
You can also just use us as a great resource for cookie recipes--be sure to check out our Pinterest Board and our monthly posts (you can find all of them at The Spiced Life). You will be able to find them the first Tuesday after the 15th of each month! Also, if you are looking for inspiration to get in the kitchen and start baking, check out what all of the hosting bloggers have made:

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