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Waste Not: Roasted Cherry Tomatoes

Our garden is literally overran with cherry tomatoes!  This is a good thing but keeping up is getting challenging!  I had ten cherry tomatoes with my lunch, five scrambled with my breakfast eggs and tonight we are having roasted cherry tomatoes!

The tomatoes are so good roasted!  The roasting process intensifies their sweetness and they make a great addition to soups, pasta, sandwiches, and eggs!  It also adds time to your tomatoes, a batch of roasted tomatoes will last up to five days in your refrig!

Here is my recipe for roasted tomatoes

1-3 cups of cherry tomatoes, left uncut
olive oil

Destem tomatoes, place tomatoes on a cookie sheet covered with parchment paper.  Drizzle with the oil, salt and pepper.  Place in a 425 degree oven until the tomatoes burst.

I have a pan roasting as I write.  Cannot wait for their yummy goodness!

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  1. Gayle Daniel8:21 PM

    Terri a cooking class I took a few years back the chef gave us a great tip for preserving tomatoes to use later in the winter in soups, sauces, etc..she was talking about Romas but I'm thinking would work with cherry ones too..anyway you wash/clean tomatoes and insert a piece of garlic in each one..then sprinkle with olive oil and roast in SLOW oven..200 or 225 until tomatoes are shriveled/dried..let cool and put in bags to freeze. Later use in soups/sauces in Winter to bring back a taste of Summer...

    1. I am going back and looking at posts from the past. I am going to give your recipe above a try this summer! Hugs! I miss the old days of our chatting.

  2. Anonymous4:42 AM

    . I wish for the great of success in all of our destiny endeavors

  3. Advocated for a completely content everyone!


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