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2014: The Winter that Was

I wanted to make a note in my blog about this winter.  In 25 years of teaching, this was the worst winter I have experienced in terms of snow days and the amount of snow and ice that has accumulated since December.

January 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 21, 23
These days in January were record breaking.  The snow in St. Charles on January 5 measured 10.4 inches. Parts of New Town recorded 12.0 inches that day.  We were held up in Dallas, Texas due to the snow here in St. Louis and was able to get home on that Sunday night.  Ashley and Eric waited a day to travel as Indiana got hit hard on the 6th.  Large amounts of snow were due to winds and arctic air sweeping down from the Poles in the polar vortex. 
February 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 17

February 2014 claims to be the coldest in 35 years, according to the University of Missouri Climate Center.  The average temperature was 5 degrees below freezing.  Bob and I heard a frost quake and didn't really know what that was until describing it to someone who knew what it was.  It's when the ground's moisture freezes so fast that it pops loud enough to hear it.  I believe we ended up with around 10 inches of snow this month, plus ice.

March 3

The heaviest snow hit south of us but we had enough snow fall to cancel school.  With the coating of ice under it all, it was not a good day to be out on the roads.

Snow flurries were seen on March 11, 18 and 24, 2014.  Today is the 25th.  The wind chill makes it feel like 25 degrees.  I have the fireplace on.  DURING SPRING BREAK.  How will March end?

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