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Fifteen Years

It is hard to believe that the book club I helped start in 1998 is still alive and going strong.  Four women, Barb Kuebler, Karlene Diekroeger, Azalene Evans and myself were having lunch at the Jefferson City Country Club when we started discussing books.  The lunch extended well beyond a regular lunch time as we consumed bottles of wine and discussed book after book.

Azalene, Karlene, Terri and Barb
 The purpose of our luncheon was to celebrate Barb's turning in of her National Board Teacher's portfolio.  She had worked so hard to put it together and we had been her main readers for the project. 

As we were discussing book after book, it came out that we needed to formalize a book club.  We started with a name, BBL, and our first book and set a date.  And, for fifteen years, continued to meet to discuss a book a month of various genres and interests.  I know that this book club made me a better reader.

Karlene, whom I am sure is a Blue by Kolbe, organized the sheets that follow of all the books we have read since 1998.  Many of these books became foundational, meaning, we told new members to read these since we refer back to them often.

Since moving to St. Charles has made going to book club a little difficult, our first trip back was to the 15th anniversary celebration at Karlene's home.  It was a perfect summer feast of grilled hot dogs, Lutz's homemade potato chips, Sue's baked beans, a wonderful salad and deviled eggs.  Karlene made hot fudge sundaes with her homemade fudge topping.  After eating, we discussed the book, I am Forbidden and enjoyed every minute of it!

As we left, I felt sad at what we had given up by leaving Jefferson City.  Friends with a lifelong commitment to learning, who love you no matter what, and who are happy for you even if you move 100 miles away.  I know that St. Charles will someday feel the same.

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  1. Happy Labor Day weekend! 15 years of book club and friendship, how wonderful. I totally have felt what you felt leaving your friends. I moved to Omaha 8 years ago after living in KC all of my life. I left friends of 30 years. It was the most difficult part of the move. We moved to a neighborhood two years ago that is a great community and finally that part of the move is starting to fill in!

  2. It's a nice article to read. I can teach you some essay introduction hooks now. if you need that.


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