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Day 83

Since the last post, we have been pretty much out of the loop for the house... kinda like when the Property Brothers kick you out at the last minute so you will be surprised at the end.  Lots of things have been happening on the inside but we can only give you a little glimpse, since we haven't been in much either.

We close on Friday, with our pre walk-through visit on Wednesday.  At this time, we will look carefully at all the little details, looking for things to be corrected by Friday.  On Friday, we will be able to just look for those corrections and make it to the title company to sign all the papers! 

So this is what I am going to leave you with, a bit of a teaser, before we do a big reveal later on.  It won't be Friday, because we have painters coming and other odds and ends that we wanted done before we move in.  So, around October 17, we should be completely moved in, and we'll be sharing pictures at that time!

Until then....

Would you like to comment?

  1. Beautiful! Can't wait to see more!

  2. Anonymous8:36 PM

    It is going to be a dream, home! I love the Property Brothers lol


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