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Day 26 of Housebuilding

Remember earlier I said I wasn't very patient?  So I found a way to help me put this whole thing in perspective, and that is to count the days to a finished house.

Twenty six days into the process we have gone from this~

to this~

and I start to feel a lot better!  That's digging, basement walls, moving dirt, digging, moving dirt, moving rock, putting up a garage, a floor, and four walls.  Plus stuff I don't know about like plumbing.  Plus, I am trying to live "in the process" so I can enjoy each change the day brings.  

I found an app that allows me to add text to photos very easily, which helps explain what you are seeing when you look at these photos.  In the top photo you are seeing the west side of the house with windows in the dining room and living room.  In the bottom photo you are seeing the north side of the house, windows for the master bedroom and dining room.  Between the dining room windows is the back door, which will have 3/4 glass in it to take advantage of the courtyard between the garage and the house. 
We decided not to have any windows on the east side of the house, one, we are very close to our neighbors, as St. Charles allows building on the property line. 

Here's the front:

The space in the center is the front door.  You can see the cement footings where the porch will rest.   The front of the house faces south, southeast.  I was in my car when I took this photo, it looks crooked to me.  So of course I had to go back by and make sure, nope, the house is level!

Twenty-six days from nothing to something pretty easily imagined into our house.  Enjoying the process!


  1. Yes, it looks like progress to me! Must be very exciting for you both.

  2. It's coming along!


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