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Pinterest Trial~New Takes on Summer Food

I hosted our July Bunco here in New Town.  Since so many people cannot usually make the July Bunco, this is called UnBunco night, where the host introduces a new game to the guests.  I introduced the App game Heads Up, which Bob, Ashley, Eric and I played on vacation.  I just did a quick demo because we were having a great conversation, getting to know one another.  I love meeting New Town people!

Tonight I made two Pinterest pins:  S'mores Cookies and Corn Dog Muffins.  Both super simple and very good!!

To make the S'mores cookies, break a graham cracker in half along the lines.  Place graham cracker halves on a cookie sheet.  Top each graham cracker with a marshmallow.  Place cookie sheet into a preheated 350 oven.  In the meanwhile, unwrap Hershey kisses, one for each cookie.  Watch the cookies in the oven, when the marshmallows are golden brown and puffy, take out of the oven.  Press down one Hershey kiss into the center of the marshmallow.  Let cool a bit.  These are best slightly warm when the chocolate is melted.  They are good cool, too.

The corn dog muffins are equally as simple.  Prepare two Jiffy cornbread mixes according to package directions.  Spray muffin tin with Pam, fill muffin tin 1/2 full of corn bread mixture.  Lay a cocktail weenie across the top.  Bake according to package directions, watch carefully.  Serve with ketchup and mustard.  I made these ahead of time and then microwave before serving.  Again, these are best served warm.

These two pins are winners in my book!  Cute summer food, served up in an easy-to-make manner.  Enjoy!


  1. Sounds like a fun evening with some yummy summertime food. Can't go wrong...

  2. Oh my, we have been making the jiffy corn muffin dogs for over 35 mom started making them for the ball team my brother was on...I hate to say it but as far as I know, she was the inventor of this one lol...but we cut up Oscar Mayer hotdogs rather than the cocktail wiener. Would love to know how to play the game you were talking about

  3. The corn dog muffins look delish! I tried a similar pinterest recipe where you bake them in a muffin pan & you cut up the hot dogs. There just wasn't enough hot dog in that recipe!

  4. So you actually make the stuff you pin?! I'm impressed.
