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Pinterest Trial: Cool Whip Cookies

Bob was invited to his Jefferson Junior High School reunion this summer and wanted to take a dessert with us that was easy to pack, didn't need to stay cool, and was easy to transport.  That sounded like cookies to me and I love to look at cookie recipes!  I had pinned this recipe for its versatility and decided that this was the one to make for the Reunion!

Funfetti Cool Whip Cookies

The ingredients are simple:

1 cake mix (flavor of your choice)
2 c. powdered sugar
2 eggs
1 8 oz cool whip, thawed

Blend the cool whip and the eggs together.  Slowly add in cake mix.  When fully incorporated, refrigerate for at least an hour (I did it overnight, because I was tired).

Place the powdered sugar in a bowl.  Using a teaspoon, scoop out balls and form them loosely with your fingers, drop them into the bowl of powdered sugar.  Coat, and place the balls on a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper.

Bake at 350 for 10-12 minutes, or until a light golden crust appears on the bottom of the cookies.  Cool complete before stacking.

These are a soft, cake-like cookie.  The powdered sugar provides some crispness to the outside.  I can see making these again, perhaps in chocolate or lemon.   Packed well and are yummy!


  1. and I can see me turning these into totally sugar free cookies, cause I even have sugar free confectioners sugar...I'll let you know if its success or mess


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