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Fall in New Town

Fall is my favorite season.  It is easy to understand why.  First, my birthday is in the fall, as is Ashley's, my grandpa's, my uncle's, and Halloween and Thanksgiving!  It is also the season of my cancer-free anniversary!!

I have sorely neglected this blog this year.  I am deep in the throes of writing my dissertation.  It is coming along nicely and I am thrilled that we are nearing the end.  I want my time back but I love working with my colleagues, Suzy Wilson and Armand Spurgin.

We spent the entire weekend, Friday from 9:00 a.m. to Sunday at noon, with a little rest inbetween.  When Suzy and Armand left, I spent more time at school working on a research project for my assistant.  When I finally got home, I did one of my favorite things, I got out all my Halloween decorations!

I do not have very many any more, we sold all but a few.  Those are set out, but I HAD to buy more outdoor decorations.  Bob agreed, so we did that this afternoon.  We haven't put them up yet, but we have them!

I wanted to go around New Town and look at fall.  I haven't seen the seasons change much since we have been inside so much writing.  Bob gave up the Cardinals and most of the Packers game driving around New Town so I could take some pictures!  That is love, isn't it!

Bob has a pot of vegetable soup on the stove and we are going to enjoy this very fall weather.  These pictures will give you a taste of how beautiful New Town is going to be this fall.

In front of our house

In front of our house

In front of our house

Our house is second from the left

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  1. Howdy, Stranger! Well no wonder you've been absent—writing a dissertation! Oh my! How exciting. Your new home is beautiful. How's everyone adjusting? Can't wait until you can be back more regularly because I'm sure that you have a lot more to share. Have a lot of fun with your decorations. It looks as if you have more autumn than I do. Amazing!

  2. Terri,
    I, too, love Fall! Looking at your beautiful pictures, I see you need to update your Bucket List, because you now live by the water.��

  3. It is beautiful there!

    I'm glad you found such a lovely place to live!

  4. I know what you mean girlfriend...I've been neglecting my blog too, but I'm trying my best to get back to it, at least every week.

    Love seeing your photos. I miss fall foliage. The best was when we lived in Nashville. Since we have a son living there now, we hope to go soon and I'm excited to see the foliage while we're there.



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