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A Month in Review: May

May has been such a busy month, packing up the house, downsizing the amount of things we own, and cleaning up and getting ready to move from school.  It is a bittersweet time, as we have lived in Jefferson City for nearly 20 years.  Lots of things, good and bad, have happened here.  It has been home.

Now with a new chapter of our lives rapidly approaching, I found myself thinking a lot about what JC has had to offer us.  This month shows me focusing on flowers, family, friends and good times.  What I want to take away with us are those good memories, the fun times, the fabulous friends.

 Bob and I won't say goodbye, we'll be seeing you later!

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  1. Hard to leave somewhere after such a long time but here's to the new adventures ahead!! Look forward to reading about them!!! Best of luck with the move.

  2. Moving is always such a stressful time...I know, I've done it enough in my lifetime...while you'll make new friends and new memories, you won't leave the old friends behind...I hope all goes well, let us know!!!
    love ya

  3. You're on a journey to new things! Hooray!

  4. Moving is always bittersweet. I know that you are not stepping down or away, you're stepping up. Wish I could help you haul stuff...

  5. Good Luck with your move... new adventures ahead!

  6. I know moving is hard...so, so bittersweet. But this is just the beginning of new adventures and joys for you and Bob! I a excited for you both!

  7. Moving is almost never easy I know all too well. But you are going into a new adventure filled with new joys! I am so excited for you ad Bob!


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