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A Mizzou Tailgate!

We love our Mizzou Tigers!  Bob and I have bought season tickets since 1980 (student tickets!) and this year was no different.  However, what was different is that I missed quite a few games since I was studying and since Ash and Eric moved to Indiana.  Bob and I tailgated with our University Club once and Bob has gone to other tailgates this year but finally we were able to have a tailgate this year... with Ashley and Eric!!!

It was cold... a morning game... so our tailgate focused on breakfast.  Bob made a scrambled egg and sausage mix, biscuits and gravy and cinnamon rolls.  Bob placed a broken biscuit in a bowl, covered it with scrambled eggs and sausage, then poured gravy over it all.  It was hot and delicious!

Ashley and i snuggled into our blankets and watched the other tailgaters.  It is so much fun.  Across the way someone had a World Series Cardinal flag flying under the Mizzou flag.  Cool!  One couple brought a firepit with them.  Our neighbors had a kerosene burner with them. 

This was a fun tailgate, mainly because we were with our kids and we were excited about seeing Mizzou beat #16 Texas (which they did!).  

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  1. Love this post! Though I am partial to our Oregon Ducks! Your Ashley is a lovely version of her strong, intelligent, lovely mom.

  2. Everything's happier when it's shared, especially with your kids!

  3. What fun pics! They made me cold, though - ha!

  4. Anonymous1:13 PM

    I love going to tail gate parties early in the morning! It is harder to find a dish to bring that early1 Thank you for your tip; I'll have to try it out at one of my tail gate parties. I bring my Tailgater from DISH along because it completes my party. It brings them game right to us, in HD even! Its light-weight and it finds the right signal for you so you don’t have to. Working for DISH I can tell you that the Tailgater you don’t even need a second account.


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