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Cooking Together

I think most people know that Bob is considered the cook of the house... but it wasn't always the case.  Ask Ashley, I am sure she remembers "Invent A Casserole" and other famous dishes!   Bob made a suggestion that the two of us go to a cooking class together in Columbia that was hosted by Inside Columbia magazine.  Our class was Cooking with Wine.  It was so much fun and we learned a lot!  We thank Craig Cyr, from the Wine Cellar and Bistro for his excellent instruction!

Cute aprons!

Ingredients for a Norton wine sauce

Reducing the wine sauce at the MAJOR stove

 If you would like more information about these classes, visit their website at http://comoculinaryadventures.com/.  You can see a list of chefs and any upcoming classes.  Bob is doing the Holiday Baking 101 class next.
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  1. How fun! I really don't enjoy cooking, but oddly, I have been the one to organize my cooking friends to take classes with me over the years! :) The one Bob is going to take next does sound like a great one!!

    L, Dana

  2. Oh what fun! I so want to try this with Bill and maybe even Gracie. With him getting another Masters time for this is hard but this Winter he will have his weekends free. I think this would be a fun Winter thing to do! You and Bob are such a perfect team and I know you enjoyed every second of this!

  3. This sounds like great fun to do together as a couple. I have never taken a class per se, but have observed...it was very informative. You and Bob look like like you are having a ball...love the aprons!



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