The game was originally set for Wednesday, October 26 but due to some bad weather, the game was postponed for Thursday, October 27. I was thrilled when my superintendent allowed me to switch my personal days! Bob and I drove up separately since he had to work on Thursday in St. Louis. I left school and drove to the hotel, and met Bob. We jumped into his car and drove to the stadium. We parked really close and then walked around to enjoy the festivities. There were bands, vendors, TV stations, the latest two World Series trophies, and the best people watching ever!

The game was so exciting.... just being around that many Cardinal fans who are so enthusiastic! It is such a great feeling! Every time the Cards did something great, we were high fiving all the fans around us. It was so fun!
The seventh inning was the game changing, Series changing event. You can read about it in so many venues that I won't go into it here. I can just say I am so glad that I didn't leave early (who would, considering it was the W O R L D S E R I E S.) and how wonderful it was to see the Cards never give up. Such a great lesson in perseverence!
The fact that the game was won in part by a local boy, David Freese. I love stories like his!
Another bucket list item checked. A moment of a lifetime that turned into a lifetime memory!
It's always always fun to get to do things on our bucket list! So glad your time was fun.
And you were there! How exciting! Gotta tell you, Terri, that when you told us that Bob returned with a fleece blanket, I was impressed. Very impressed. What a guy!