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Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Walk

I will be participating in the 2011Susan B Komen Breast Cancer Walk on Sunday, September 18.  I participated in the inaugural walk last year and had so much fun being with other women who understood about breast cancer,  It was such a great experience I am participating again!

I have a goal of raising $200 for this worthwhile event.  If you would care to donate, you can donate here:

Terri's Breast Cancer Walk

You can see last year's event by going to 2010 Walk for the Cure

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  1. I wish you all the best, Terri! What a great cause!


  2. Thanks for stopping by my blog today. Good luck with your studying. I bet you can't wait 'til you are through.
    My sister does this walk. (I wish she didn't live so far away from me.)

  3. Doctor, doctor, give me the news...

    I am so proud of you on MANY levels. :)


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