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The Ohio River Valley Vacation

Our family vacation to the Ohio River Valley was so incredibly relaxing and peaceful.  I don't know when the last time I had such a vacation, unless it was the Mexican cruise the day before!  (more about that one later!)


We heard about these cabins from our good friends Pat and Emily who visit annually over New Year's Eve.  The Colucci Cabins are located in a tiny village in Indiana called Magnet.  It is situated right on the Ohio River with the Hoosier National Forest surrounding it.  Our cabin looked right across the river into Kentucky!  We stayed in Moondance.  Ash sang It's a Wonderful Night for a Moondance many times!

We spent our days looking at the river, reading, looking at the river, taking pictures of wildlife, and eating.  There was a hot tub to enjoy as well, which we did.

How did that picture of Huxley get into this wildlife mosaic?  Snicker.  He was an active participant in the vacation but you can see he likes his relaxation time as well!  I love my bird shots.  I spent a lot of time photographing birds!  I spotted the deer but Ashley got the shot!

The river itself is so beautiful.  From sun up to sun down the river gave us such beauty.  Bob and I captured these photos during different times...






As gorgeous as it was, it was all about the relaxation.  Enjoying each other's company.  Talking and answering Probing Questions.  Discussing books.  Discussing what to eat.  Working on a possible book.  It was so nice to see everyone so relaxed!




After our time on the river, Bob headed to JC to get ready to start his new job at Columbia College and I stayed behind to help Ashley get her office at IU organized and decorated.  More on that later!

Check out Ashley's take on the same vacation on her blog at A Hasty Life!

Joining Wayfaring Wednesday this week!

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  1. That does sound (and LOOK) like a dream vacation, Terri!!!

    A book, huh? Now that sounds like fun....keep us posted! :)

    L, Dana

  2. PS....love that last double smoochie shot!!! Too cute!


  3. Wow Terri, I want to go there!!

  4. You've got some really lovely photos here, Terri! I think you could do a brochure for this place. It looks like it would be a short drive for us...I'll have to check it out. The thought of just relaxing!!!


  5. So beautiful that it looks like a little piece of heaven. You all deserve some great vacation time!

  6. Ok, now THAT is a cabin. Plus you had internet.:)

    Loved the last image.

    Thank you for linking up to Wayfaring Wednesday. Hope to see you next week. Remember old posts are ok. :)


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