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Mosaic Monday-The Garden

The heat is killing nearly everything in our garden.  A few hardy breeds are braving the heat well.  Here's a tribute to those plants who can shake a fist at the sun!

And, look who came to visit!


Go visit Little Red House for more mosaics!

Enhanced by Zemanta

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  1. Very pretty! I have no plants this year, I have a dustbowl!

  2. Ohhhh, such pretty photography! Lovely little visitors, too. I hope they're drinking plenty of liquids.

  3. So pretty. I know what you mean, the heat has been incredible.

    Trying to stay cool in the sunshine state,

  4. Oh, what a pretty mosaic you have created. The heat is taking a toll in my garden too.

  5. What a pretty mosaic, Terri,

    It is hot here also but the humidity is far worse than the temps which are in the high 80's low 90's. The humidity makes me crazy!!

    Barb ♥

  6. Only my vinca's are hanging on. Your flowers are lovely.

  7. Very pretty! Love gardening and all of the interesting creatures it attracts :)

    Hope you're enjoying your summer!



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