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Ash and Bloomington

I stayed in Indiana after our vacation to help Ashley move and organize her office. We had such a good time buying things and rearranging her furniture. These photos show how the office is arranged and some of our work on the bookshelves. We will post pictures again when we are closer to completion!

It hasn't been all work for us...we have taken time to get pedicures at a cute shop called The Pink Nail. We have cooked at home and eaten out! The best of all worlds.

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  1. The office is looking great. I'm so pleased that she has a window! Windowless offices are the puds. Are you sure you didn't visit The Green Nail? Looking good.

    Hope that you've been having a relaxing summer despite the busyness.

  2. She's so beautiful. It's neat you two are so close.

  3. Anonymous6:15 AM

    What a fun time!! Making memories!

  4. I love it Terri! Looks wonderful!


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