I am busy in the kitchen making onion jam for my burger tomorrow. Here's the recipe:
2 T butter
1 large yellow oni…
One of the things I love about spring is the garden. Bob's staff at Lewis and Clark gave Bob a gift certificate to…
Last year, you might remember I pinked and purpled my hair for the African Book Project. I wore that hair color for al…
Bob and I are so fortunate to still have our mothers with us. I call my mom daily and I know I still need to hear her …
Jefferson City Public Schools puts on a retirement reception for the retirees at the school. Bob was one of the Lewis …
God's blessings must rain upon us as that is exactly what was going on Friday from 2:00 on. Since rain is a Steffe…
Ashley successfully graduated from the University of Missouri Friday night with her PhD in Textiles and Apparel Manage…