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Easter Treats

I saw these delicious treats for Easter made from jelly beans, cornflakes, karo syrup and butterscotch chips and decided to see what I could do to them to make them a little more healthy.

I decided to make them with Fiber One Original Cereal (it looks like twigs) and peanut butter chips (because of the color). I simply melted the chips in the microwave (1 small bag) and added 2 c of the cereal and mixed them together. I then spooned out the mixture and made little nests. There is about a tablespoon of the mixture altogether. Then I added three mini Cadbury eggs (a small treat for Easter!) using some of the peanut butter to stick them to the nests.

According to the Weight Watchers calculator, these are three points for each nest and eggs.

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  1. These are cute, Miss Terri! That fiber one cereal is amazing.

  2. These are darling, Terri. I hope you are doing well with WW.


  3. Such a cute Easter treat!

  4. And they're so cute! Your version even sounds more delicious. I'll give them a try.


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