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Board Retirement Reception

The JCPS School Board honored Bob at a reception on Monday night. Bob was given the opportunity to thank the board for their continued support and they gave Bob a gift certificate to the local music store.

The board stopped for a short time to enjoy cookies and punch with central office and the board. All the board members shook Bob's hand and wished him well. It was a very nice reception.

Bob thanking the Board

Enjoying the kind words said by members of the Board

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  1. That's just so great.....what an honor! L, Dana

  2. That's very nice of the school board to do and I'm sure that Bob deserves this honor. You and Bob are so cute together. I can tell how proud you are of him.

  3. That is so special. I love the photos.
    Memories to treasure.....based on years of excellent service.

  4. It's nice to be honored and shown appreciation.

  5. Oh Terri Sweetie...
    Congrats to Bob. I am so tickled for him and for you. You will both have more time together. As adults, once we raise our children it seems as though we just don't have enough time together. Time to do fun things, and laugh often and hard.

    I also love, LOVE my margarita bath treats, and will be doing a post soon on your products. Such a wonderful clean smell and love the way it made my skin feel, SO smooth and believe me that is quite a compliment coming from an insulin diabetic. I cannot thank you enough for the treats and will be emailing you when I post, or keep watching Margaritaville is coming sweet friend. Many hugs and SO much love, Sherry

  6. Anonymous4:02 PM

    Oh Terri, that is soooo very nice, and I know it is well deserved!!

  7. You have had so many things to celebrate of late! No family is more deserving of all the sweet accolades and celebrations that all of you!

  8. Congratulations to Bob and Happy Easter to you and your family...praying that the tornados that whipped thur your area last night left you in tact!


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