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The Purple Dress Project

Our daughter, Ashley, was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease last January, was in the hospital constantly during the first six months of 2010, and in June had surgery for a resection of her colon. She has been in remission ever since!

Ashley has been wanting to do something for the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation. She came up with the Purple Dress Project, based off a project that one of her blogger friends did (The Gray Dress Project).  She contacted some sponsors, the Foundation, and the University of Missouri Hospital and with their backing, formed the Purple Dress Project.

You can learn more by going to The Purple Dress Project or to Ashley's blog A Hasty Life.  She also has a Facebook page where you can learn more.  Be sure to "like" it... the more followers the better!

I will keep you informed on the progress of the dress, her month of wearing it and any other relevant information that comes up.

I am quite the proud mama.

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  1. We had a friend with Crohn's, and we did not envy him. I will be happy to go to Ashley's Facebook page if it can help the cause.


  2. My oldest son's best buddy from high school has lived with this disease for years .. he is now 50 ... and doing very well. Congrats to your Ashley ... please tell her that from me. This is a wonderful project for a worthwhile cause.

  3. Terri, of course you raised a daughter with determination and courage! She is living your example!

  4. I too have a couple of friends with Crohn's. Ashley is doing an admirable thing, keep up the great work Ashley!!!


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