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Garden Tuesday

My friend Pam from Sidewalk Shoes is having a garden event on her blog. Check out what is going on all over the US this spring!

Our garden got snow again on Saturday, so I am showing you a fun pattern that the snow made on our patio. The stones were warm but the snow stuck to the plants. I thought it was interesting!

Here are our spring plants in the snow. I hear that early spring snows bring lots of nutrients to the ground, and I am hoping that it is true!

Truman and Wilson are eager for Spring, too!

Enhanced by Zemanta

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  1. That's just the best picture of the snow pattern on your patio! LOVE your MU grill cover, too!

    Truman and Wilson are so adorable...I'm sure our REAL Spring can't get here soon enough for them either. This is a miserable weather week in Independence....cold and snow. I think warm temps are gonna be here this weekend!

    Have a great week! L, Dana

  2. Thanks for linking up! I love the snow patterns. Though, I am more than happy to be done with snow!

  3. Terri that is a neat pattern. Pretty!

  4. Pam sent me!

    I'm so happy that I'm not the only one growing a bumper crop of snow!

  5. Oh, don't you wish the patterns could stay like that for a while! So pretty!

  6. I do love that patio shot, but Truman and Wilson are adorable!

  7. Glad that you're still smiling and seeing patterns in the snow. I'm just ready to blow a gasket over the whole thing. ☺

  8. Love the pattern on the patio!

    And love the puppies...puppies always bring love from me!

  9. Hi sweet friend!

    We've been at our time share in Palm Desert for two weeks, so I haven't been on the computer much at all...very unlike me! We're actually in LA tonight and will fly home tomorrow.

    I'm letting George watch sports on tv so I can catch up on my blog reading! LOL I've had fun catching up with you this afternoon. The snow pattern on your patio was really neat. Your recipe for the burger and onion rings sound like something I should try soon. I need to get back to healthy eating as soon as we get home. How much have you lost now?


  10. Yeah! you have a beautiful patio, even their a snow still the pattern of your patio still in their


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