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Breakfast in a Mug

I saw an old post at the Hungry Girl site that I just had to try! It is called Eggs in a Mug and it so up my alley! I know I will be making this again and again!

You need Pam, eggbeaters, turkey crumbles, black beans and salsa. A little cheese if you like cheese.

I used 1/2 c of eggbeaters, 1/2 stick of string cheese, 1 T black beans, 1 T turkey crumbles mixed together. I sprayed a mug with Pam and poured the mixture in it. I microwaved the egg mixture for one minute, then stirred, then microwaved for another 45 seconds. I spooned salsa on top and ate it for breakfast! This is a 3 point breakfast! I served it with whole wheat toast. Yum.

The clean up is easy and the creativity is endless. My kinda meal!

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  1. Anonymous6:33 AM

    This sounds like a great idea Terri. I haven't heard of it before.

  2. I can't wait to try this!


  3. I know it tastes good....and is a healthy dish (oops, mug), but I'm dealing with a stomach bug.....and I know I can't eat that this morning. However, I'll save the recipe and try it a day I'm feeling lots better.

    Have a great Sunday!

    L, Dana

  4. You are SO my 'go to' gal for great cooking tips! THIS one is a winner ~ and SO good for the body!

  5. I love this, I have to give it a try!


  6. What a great quick breakfast, just what I need!!!

    Question....does the string cheese melt? Just curious, I've never used it in cooking. Thanks.

  7. How perfect is that!!!

  8. What a neat idea and it sounds healthy too. I love breakfast, but am gettting a bit bored with what I've been having. I will be trying this one for sure. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Eggs with salsa and cheese is pretty delish. I don't even need the turkey crumbles. I just scramble it in a pan.

  10. My post today was about what I've been doing for breakfast lately so I don't have to eat eggs every.single.day, but this dish might be a good one to rotate throughout the week. Do you use canned black beans?


  11. Such a clever and easy way to eat a healthy breakfast! Thanks so much for passing it on Terri.

  12. Terri this looks so easy and delicious!


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