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Snow Day!

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  1. Terri, I love you.....I don't think I have ever really said that. You are smart, savvy, funny, dear and faithful...what a friend.

    Your comment meant the world to me on the gratitude post.

    Of course, you are from Missouri, as my darling Ron is....you guys are the best!

    Your buddy,
    Barb ♥

  2. Love the photos! I love snow - except if I have to shovel it. :) Thank goodness we now have a snow blower. It's a miracle worker. :)

  3. That looks like way more fun than I had shoveling our drive and sidewalk...AGAIN!!!! Looks like your doggies liked it, too! :)

    Now enjoy some hot chocolate! L, Dana

  4. Ha! Now don't say that the principal doesn't know how to have fun on a snow day. Hope that the kids get to see this!

  5. We are going on our third snow day!!

  6. What fun! I actually miss snow. It's been cold, dreary and windy here...very un-Florida like.



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