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Fashion Friday

Ashley and I have often spoke of our grandmother, Mildred Dorrell Oliver, who we believe Ashley got her fashion sense from. This is Mildred in the late 50s or early 60s. This is a Christmas photo as you can see from the poinsettia. Grammy (our nickname for her) is wearing a dark colored slimming sheath dress. I believe it was linen. Look at the simple beads on her neck. The perfect touch, even now, 50 years later!

Grammy worked in a pharmacy and always looked very nice. She liked to wear accessories but was also frugal and bought pieces that looked good with many items.

I didn't mention, but next to her is my grandpa, Joseph Issac Edward Oliver.

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  1. Some things are just classic and always stay that way!
    Neat pic, neat dress and pearls!
    Happy Weekend to you too!


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