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Fashion Friday

Another episode of Fashion Friday, brought to you by Ashley at A Hasty Life. She talks about her fashion inheritance today!

I think I like accessories. I love doing my hair differently, or wearing something unusual to focus on. My latest love are fashion glasses. I have to wear glasses or I can't see! I can't even read a menu. As patient as Bob is, he isn't great at having to read aloud every item on a menu.

Right now I have red ones at school, leopard print ones in my purse, black and sequin ones in the car and a pair of very servicable silver ones at home (so Bob can share them with me).  If I see a pair I like I have to have them!  I have a pair of Christmas ones saved for the holidays!

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  1. I'm the exact same way! I have about 10 pairs of reading glasses!

  2. I saw in Aldi's email, they have 2 pair for $5 this week! LOL

  3. I wish I could wear all those pretty reading glasses..I envy that! : ) But you would look good in anything! I think you are beautiful!!

  4. I have a pair of reading glasses in every room of my house! And one in my purse....

  5. Now why don't I think like you do? I buy the three to a pack kind at BJ's and call them good. I really need to get some better ones and some cute ones would be even better than that!

  6. Anonymous3:46 PM

    I like different glasses too, Terri. I have some lime green ones I am thinking about wearing...at least for a little while on Halloween, with the glitzy witchy hat.:-)

  7. Hi Terri, I like glasses too but mine are all rather plain compared to the ones you listed. Guess I need to update. :-)

    Sorry about not visiting lately....to say I am a crazy lady these days with life is an understatement. But, I am here now.

    I miss you too!

  8. i only have one glasses to wear. that's enough for me to keep up and not lose it. take care rose


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