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Fashion Fridays

Ashley at A Hasty Life decided to use Fridays to discuss different outfits and how they have impacted her life over the years. Go visit her site to see her posts.

I want to participate. Not because I am any kind of fashionista, but rather, just the opposite. Even though I don't have a true sense of style, I do have some clothing items that have made significant impact on me. Enough of an impact that I remember specific events surrounding those very clothes.

One of those times was Ashley's wedding.  I wanted something very comfortable, something glamorous and something that wouldn't break our budget.  I looked everywhere.  All the details were done except my dress.  I was looking on the internet day and night trying to find something.  I finally found this top, which I thought went well with a taffeta skirt that I loved and already owned.

I am a black and white girl.  I love wearing white tops.  The combination of the black and white, with the taffeta fabric, felt soft and good on my skin.  It was very comfortable as well.  Recently one of my friends, out of the blue, said to me, I have always meant to tell you how pretty you looked on Ashley's wedding day!  That totally thrilled me!

This dress reminds me that it is possible to feel glamorous and comfortable at the same time.

Would you like to comment?

  1. Thank you for sharing this really lovely photo .. I'm off to check out her blog!

  2. You both looked beautiful!!!!

  3. Beautiful photo of two lovely gals. I like white tops and black pants or skirts, too. It's a classic look.

  4. Yay!!! I'm so glad you're joining me with this project!

  5. Two beautiful girls!

  6. Lovely, lovely photo.

  7. Terri you look great! And your daughter too! What a wonderful picture of the two of you.

  8. You both looked so beautiful.


  9. You were right about the top ~ coordinates perfectly with Ashley's stunning gown, and your beautiful taffeta skirt! Maybe you're more of a fashionista than you think!!



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