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Rooster Blog Party

My good friend Barb, from Bella Vista, is hosting a fun party in Blogland.  She has invited us to show our roosters!  You need to head over and check out her invitees and all their roosters!

You might remember that I am not a collector or decorator of roosters.  All I could do last year was this and this year, unfortunately, I won't do much better.  I always have fun at Barb's so I just have to participate!

This year I wanted to focus on a product that my ever lovin' Triplet sister Tammy introduced me to.  It is called Rooster Sauce, a garlic hot sauce that is mighty fine in many ways.  Tammy told me to use it in my Bloody Marys but I am not eager to smell like garlic first thing in the morning (I'm kidding).  It was awesome.
A bottle of Sriracha Hot Chili Sauce produced ...

Tammy did not lead me astray.  I made mine the way I usually do, plain tomato juice, worchestershire sauce, a pinch of celery salt, fresh lemon juice, horseradish, a bit of olive juice, vodka (pepper vodka is good) and now, a bit of Rooster Sauce.  Tammy puts a meal on a stick in place of the celery and now I am liking that idea a lot.  Cheers!

I found these darling napkin rings  at a store in St. Charles.  Bob cooked this lovely dinner for us (nope, the salmon isn't from Missouri!) and I thought it all looked pretty together!

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  1. Good Morning Terri!

    Maybe we blogger friends will have to supply you with a couple of
    I love that you got creative with the rooster sauce.
    Have an awesome day.

    Becky K.

  2. Terri, I love your post and I am so glad you joined us, you sweet thing! I will most certainly have to try this but....a bit later.

    You know me......when I am on something like this Rooster Party, I don't eat for days. Nerves! Yikes.

    Have fun visiting all the gals. I am seeing hundreds, hundreds of roosters.

    Hugs, Barb ♥

  3. I have never heard of Rooster Sauce, but it sounds great! I love your napkin rings!

  4. You had me at the words, "Bob cooked dinner." Do you rent him out?

  5. My son loves this sauce! And yes, there is a rooster on the label!

  6. Hey! Yay the food's here! It's not a party without great food! And I'm with Keetha!! Lucky duck with a man that cooks and sooo well!

    Thanks for sharing

  7. Anonymous9:51 AM

    This is perfect - we use Rooster Sauce a lot in our house. My hubby really likes it.

  8. I've never heard of rooster sauce, but it sounds good.

    Hope you're enjoying your weekend.


  9. Rooster sauce. Yum.

  10. Rooster sauce? Now I've heard of everything. We have rather tame diets up heah. Not too many folks like the hot stuff, though there are a few weird ones. :D

  11. I missed this year's Rooster Party cuz of my computer snafu! However, I loved seeing what you offered up! Rooster sounds great! :) Yum, so did that dinner BOB COOKED!! I got a chuckle out of the salmon not being from Missouri!! :) Some how grilled carp doesn't' sound as appetizing! :) My husband will soon be taking off for Alaska on a fishing trip. He would live there if I would let him!! I've been there with him a couple of times and it is amazing.....but I couldn't hack their winters. Anyway, back to your salmon.....he's hoping to bring some home as well as some halibut! I hope he does!

    Have a great Sunday ! L, Dana

  12. Thank you for not giving up on me ~ and Living Boldly. You have no idea how often I thought of you over the summer. Your Missouri lives, your struggles, I'm glad I have gotten to know you!

  13. This just goes to show you that you learn something new every day. Rooster sauce, who would have thought it. Perfection is the word that comes to mind, Char

  14. Too cool. . . rooster sauce. Blessings, Janet


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