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Perseid Meteor Shower

I love the night sky.

For many years I have enjoyed watching the night sky for various planets, meteor showers, comets, whatever interesting events that may come into it. Tonight was no exception!

Every August we are given the opportunity to see the Perseid Meteor Shower but some years are better than others. This year was one of the good ones. With a waning moon that set early, we had dark skies with little interference from clouds. I saw my first meteor around 10:50.

The meteors were slow coming on but picked up speed around midnight. I didn't see the 100/hr that some said we'd see, but I bet I saw 30!

I don't have a good enough camera to pick up the meteor shower, but if you go to National Geographic, they always have great photos!

Enhanced by Zemanta

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  1. We lived on the top of a small hill in the back pasture of the farm. Perfect for viewing meteor showers. Miss that, amomg other things from the farm. Also missed the shower this year! :-(

  2. Oh I'm so glad to read that someone saw some! Probably we didn't devote enough time to it.

  3. I bet that was awesome Terri!
    I need to pay more attention to that stuff!
    Have a great weekend,

  4. How funny - I blogged about the meteor shower myself this morning - but I had a different perspective! I'm glad you got to see some - I saw a few, but I didn't see the BIG show - I was sleeping!

  5. Our neighborhood has toooooo many streetlights to get a good look at the sky. I stepped out around 11:00 and looked north-east, but didn't see a thing, cept an airplane. :( Glad you were able to enjoy "the show"......lucky girl!

    Keep cool!!

    L, Dana

  6. Sounds awesome! I missed it:(


  7. We missed it but it sounds really neat. Love your signature line, Terri! Have a great Saturday.



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