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Summer Reading

My summer reading list includes:

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (it's a series of three)

Experience And Education, Dewey, John

On Becoming a Leader, Bennis

The Fifth Discipline: The Art & Practice of The Learning Organization, Senge, Peter M.

The School of Essential Ingredients Erica Bauermeister

All are downloaded on my Kindle so I can carry them with me where ever I go... guess I will not have any excuse for not reading my books for college.

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  1. I hope that at least one of those is for enjoyment alone. Not that they don't all sound fascinating!

  2. I had no idea a Kindle would hold that many books at once. I've been thinking about getting my DIL one for her birthday, and I think now I will.

    That's a lot of reading you've got on your list!

  3. Hi Terri...I love your reading list! You're the second person this week I've seen who lists the "....dragon tatoo" book. A friend of mine told me it took her about 1/4 of the book to get interested but once she was she couldn't put it down! Hoping you're enjoying your summer!
    Love and hugs,

  4. Hi Terri, that's a lotta reading. Ha.

    Hope your summer is going well....hot enough for ya? Yikes!

    Hugs, Barb ♥

  5. These sound good to me. I need to organize a summer reading list and hurry up if I want to get any more done!!! It is exactly four weeks from today. I am excited and glad I didn't retire. I am glad your surgery went well. Let's have lunch some day in Macon on your way to see your Mom!!! or just stop by Mom's house and see me! Your Dm trip looked great!


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