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Today's Harvest!

Just finished picking some veggies for dinner.... looks like roasted new potatoes and peppers with our pork loin tonight along with some sliced tomatoes.  Slicing up the cucumbers with some onions, sugar and vinegar, just like my Grammie used to make!

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  1. Eeeek!!! I am jealous!!! :-) I can't wait till we have veggies to pick. Still a bit longer wait here in New England, though...

  2. I am officially jealous! I wish I would have planted a garden this summer!

  3. Lucky girl. It's going to be quite a while before I have any fresh veggies. Your menu sounds delicious!!


  4. The farm stands are beginning to get active around us. Since we don't have a garden this summer we are looking forward to seeing what is available out there. We are so spoiled to live in a place where produce is abundant and inexpensive.

    It is not the same as growing and eating our own, though. I do know that from experience.

    Becky K.

  5. Does it count if I "pick" my veggies at the Farmer's Market? I don't have a great garden like YOU!!! Your meal sounded terrific!!!

    We had awesome temps today....did you? FINALLY a stretch of dreamy weather!! L, Dana

  6. a wonderful feast is in store! <3

  7. gosh I sure would like to have some of those cucs fixed that way, YUMMY!!

  8. That sounds good to me! There is just something so satisfying about eating food you have grown in your own garden!

  9. Yum! Last night I made a huge pan of deconstructed eggplant parmesan. I love eating dinner and lunch out of the garden!

  10. Oh it all looks so good. And, by now, you can tell us if it was!

  11. Oh, the cukes sound wonderful. My MamMaw used to make them like that too!

    Glad your surgery went well! Are you having everybody feel you up like some women do after they get new boobies? LOL Take care of yourself Terri!

  12. Yum, what time is dinner? I'll bring the wine.



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