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Relay for Life

My Relay for Life event is Friday night. I understand that I will get to walk a Survivor's Lap for those who are cancer survivors. That is ME. It is still hard for me to wrap my mind around the fact that I had breast cancer this year.

I need $200 to make my $1000 goal. If you can, and would like to donate to my account, go to Terri's Ta Tas and click on DONATE.

Thank you.

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  1. You go girl! I came to make another donation to help you meet your goal but it sounds like you are there! Hooray!

  2. Hope it went well abd you were able to meet your goal!

    Thanks for your suggestion of beadboard which would be cottagey cute. But the room already had paneling and we're not up to the expense of removing it from the other half of the room that didn't have termites. So for now we're just matching what's already there just because it's easier and less expensive.



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