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Pre Surgery Pampering

Just for Kristen... (snort, laugh, giggle)

I am having surgery on Thursday at 7:30 a.m. and so I treated myself to a jelly pedi and a new manicure.  I am feeling very spiffy in my Vera Bradley flip flops and my cute painted toes!

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  1. Oh Terri! Terri Terri Terri! You know I love ya girl and since you are having surgery I want you to be happy...and if exposing your toesies makes you happy, well, then....{{{{{deeeeep breath}}}}} I shall tolerate the naked toes!!!!! :-)

  2. Anonymous7:58 PM

    OMG!!!! TOO CUTE!!! What's a jelly pedi?!?! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the painted flower AND the VB flip flops!!!! You are in my prayers!!! :)

  3. Is a jelly pedi different from a regular pedi?

    Anyway, those toes are going to look so cute sticking out of the sheet on the gurney! Ha Ha!!

  4. I hope your surgery goes well! Your toes are adorable I must say :-)

  5. Wow, looking good sweet friend! I'll start praying tonight and will keep praying for you. Love your pretty toes and the flip flops too. I hope Bob or Ashley will give us an update?? Pretty please.


  6. Hugs and Prayers! Another step toward a totally well you!

    Cute pedicure!!!
    Chelsea will want one now....

  7. Don't know what a jelli pedi is but your toes are adorable! Will someone keep us updated? If it will only be on facebook let me know and I'll actually go on there to check!

    You know you are always in my prayers...every day...

  8. Your toes are cute! I hope your surgery went well.


  9. All the best for a safe and successful surgery <3

  10. Terri, sending my love and prayers....I truly mean that.

    Hugs, Barb ♥

  11. Love your piggies!


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