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Historic City of Jefferson Tour

Ashley and I love to go on home tours and we look forward to this annual event that the Historic City of Jefferson does each spring. This year was called the Four Corners Tour. I am very familiar with this area as it is where West School is located, where I taught for nine years.

The first thing we did was to buy lemonade from one of the three lemonade stands set up by neighborhood kids!  It was hot and the lemonade was good.  Notice the garnish!
The first house is such a cute one! It was built in 1936 and has a Spanish flair to it. We loved it! These photos show a couple of the things we really liked about it.

We loved the huge home built in 1929.  The original owners owned the bakery in town.  They would have loved the wonderful kitchen that is in that house now!

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  1. I love tours like this and would go to them all the time if I could!
    Those hydrangeas are just gorgeous!
    Hugs, Cindy

  2. I love going on home tours. Makes me dream of possibilities. :-)

  3. I love home tours. We don't have many here, but when we lived in Nashville and Atlanta, I went to them all the time. So glad you had a good time.


  4. My dentist was just asking me if I was going on our Parade of Homes. He is excited about a certain property that was in the magazine. Guess it would be fun to check it out.

    These homes look like fun tours. Glad you ladies had a good time. The lemon on the lemonade is perfect.

    Becky K.

  5. Terri, we would love to drive around this area and wonder where it is located. Everytime we drive through Jeff City, we say we'd love to live there in one of the older homes.

    We are headed to the lake, Monday morning bright and early. Molly's room is booked at her home away from home/spa(aka the Vet). It's just G'pa and me, this trip. We'll be trying out our birthday gift. Will be a great time to take a tour around this neighborhood.

  6. Terri, this looks like such a lovely area. Your pictures are wonderful.

    I'm so sorry you aren't coming to Florida and also the news about Ashley. I'm sending up prayers.

    Hugs, Barb ♥

  7. I love home tours! The garnish on the lemonade is such a nice touch. I'm afraid that whenever any of the kids in our neighborhood sell lemonade it's always warm!


  8. I adore...oops there I went again bouncing on an undulating hill ;D...home tours. We usually take them at Christmas time, but have done a summer tour as well that I loved. Great photos! (Sadly, our tours don't allow photos. Not only that, they make us sign in and leave all kinds of information.)

  9. Fun, fun!! I love home tours, too! That lemonade photo of you is darling....too summer cute!

    L, dana

  10. I should do that sometime - buzz down the road to Jefferson City - that looks like fun! I've only been to Jeff City once - for a Governor's Dinner one year for an award that the hospital I worked at received...

    Love the Mosaic Mondays!!!


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