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Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to all those dads out there! I know that this day is special to you! Bob is with Ashley at Barnes Hospital while she is recovering from surgery. While he would rather be with her somewhere else, I know he is glad he is with her.

My dad, Jerry Oliver, passed away from thyroid cancer three years ago. Interestingly enough, I miss the very things that used to annoy the heck out of me... specifically his need to tell me everything that is wrong with public schools today, his sarcastic remarks and his very dry sense of humor. I guess I was wrong about it being annoying, I guess I just didn't know what I had.

What I had was a dad who wanted everything I was involved in to be perfect for me. He didn't think public education was good enough for me. He wanted me to be a doctor. Guess what dad, I am working on that. It will just be a different kind of doctor than you expected! His sarcastic remarks helped me learn to be quick-witted and not to take anything from anyone. That skill has served me well. His very dry sense of humor, well, let's just say that it is an inherited trait.

My dad was a product of the 50s, served in Korea, loved to fish and to hunt. He taught my sister and I how to handle real grief and showed us what character strength looked like.

I am sure dad is in his heaven, with his dad and brother and son, fishing the day away. I hope he's having the best Father's Day ever.

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  1. What a beautiful tribute to your father Terri!
    My dad had much in common with yours! And your right about the annoying things being the things you treasure............My dad passed away in 2003 and I miss him very much.

  2. I loved this tribute to your dad. No doubt to me you were the apple of his eye. I can only imagine what all of our dad's are doing in heaven on father's day. It must be one celebration!

  3. Terri, hugs and friendship. I'm sorry this is such a bittersweet day for you. I've also been wondering about Ashley. When you have a moment can you tell me where I might find an update.

  4. I'm missing my Dad today too. Happy Fathers Day to Bob.


  5. That was a beautiful tribute!!! Has it really been three years already??? Oh my gosh! I know he is smiling on you every day!!!

    Happy Father's Day to Bob!!!

  6. and loving you now, as always...i am sure...
    so sweet a post Ms Terri!


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