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Relay for Life Pampered Chef Party

What an awesome time!!

Amie fixed us a pork roast salad that was amazing. First she seasoned a pork loin with the PC's Smoky BBQ rub. She cooked the pork loin in the PC roaster in the microwave until it was at 160 degrees. Amie and Bob decided to race to see which thermometer worked the best. PC won! Then Amie demonstrated several different products for us. She made the salad using lettuce mix, a cup of thawed frozen corn, two cups of cole slaw mix, a red onion chopped, and then she sliced up the pork loin. The dressing was a cup of Ranch dressing with some of the rub mixed in.


For dessert she made up a chocolate cake mix... you know what? I am going to leave that a secret for those of us who were at the party. Let me just say... it was heaven!!

David and Jeanne came!  David had RSVP'd a "maybe" but since he is in NEBRASKA I thought he was just being a goof and then they really came!!

We raised over a hundred dollars for Relay! Thank you all so much!!

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  1. Yay Terri! Sounds like a lovely time!

  2. You done good!!! I love those pampered chef parties...I try to get to one each year (its all I can afford if I want to keep Mac, lol)...glad you're doing so good, keep up the good attitude!

  3. What fun! The salad sounds delish too.


  4. That looks like a blast Terri!
    Happy Memorial Day weekend to you, enjoy!
    Hugs, Cindy

  5. I wished we weren't so far away.
    Glad it went so well.

    If you get a chance could you stop by my blog and meet a new blogger? She is a very dear friend of mine.

    Becky K

  6. Way to go ~~ all of you! I must try to do a pork roast salad, it sounds delicious.

  7. You certainly know how to have a good time! Happy PS Birthday.

  8. Oh, how I'd love to have been there! I've only been to one PC party and purchased a few things which I love using. They are definitely high quality items. We had pizza made for us at the party I had gone to, so delicious:-) Think of you often and hoping to get back into blogging full time again, just been so busy with everything. xoxo

  9. I cam by to see your Pink post, and wish you a Happy Pink Saturday 2nd Birthday. I hope all is well with you.


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