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Happy Sunday!

I am at home today, catching up on desperately needed housework and even more desperately needed homework. I have a big project due on May 8 for my Facilities class I am taking. Yes, working on the doctorate inbetween cancer appointments and Ashley's hospitalization. I have always known I never did anything the easy way.

I saw this darling quote at Manuela's delightful blog The Pleasures of Homemaking and this particular post is about making your own cleaning products. Manuela can make housecleaning sound like going to a baseball game: exciting and fun!

One of her readers, Julie from The Harwards posted that she cleaned her wood floors with a mixture of 1 part vinegar to 9 parts warm water. I have to try that.

Wait! Aren't I supposed to be doing homework? Maybe I can do homework and take breaks doing housework. Oh, and Look!! There are two cardinals, two blue jays and two yellow finches outside my kitchen window.

Why do I think this day is going to get by me with NOTHING done?

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  1. Terri, I saw that quote at Manuela's....isn't it great?

    Much luck with all the workload. I have a lot of cleaning to do myself this week....too much, in fact. Ha.

    Happy Sunday!!!!!!!
    Barb ♥

  2. I LOVE the quote!! For me, it has always been one or the other as well!

    I have heard of the vinegar/water solution but have never tried it. My mother used it on her linoleum floors to make them shine.

    Hope you are having a wonderful weekend, Terri!


  3. But you are getting something done dear lady. You are listening to your body and hearing what it says.

    I was hoping for an update on Ashley. I'm going back a few posts to see what's up.

  4. Perhaps you have a touch of ADHD? Just kidding!

    You are an achiever! Hope you get just enough done to feel successful but take enough time for yourself to get rested.


    Becky K.

  5. My daughter keeps her hardwood floors in perfect shape with the vinegar/water treatment.

    I can just 'see' you in MO trying to multitask. You just need to add a Cardinals baseball game into the mix!!!

  6. Hi there..thanks for your visit and quoting me...I got this tip from Beautiful Homes magazine..it came from a grand old hotel that has the most beautiful wood floors. I use this maybe once a month and my floors look NEW..it works so much cleaner and purer than anything on the market! Thanks...come say hi any time :D

  7. Great quote.

    I'm like you...need/want to be doing lots of things, but what am I doing? Blogging! Yep...a least for a little bit. Then back to work.


  8. Girl, you deserve a REST with all you have been dealing with!!! The homework and housework will still be there tomorrow! xoxo

  9. LOL! Isn't that a great quote! It only rained one day though instead of the 4 they had forecast. So I got some stuff done, but not as much as I had hoped. Your blackboard is so cute!

    You sound like you've got a lot going on right now!



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