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Rock this Test Assembly

80's day

60's day

50s day

Our third, fourth and fifth graders are preparing to take their state tests next week. The teachers and I plan a spirit week the week prior to the test to calm their nerves and fears and to ensure them that they are ready to take this test.

This year our theme was Rock This Test! We dressed up in costumes from different rock eras, the 50s, 60s and 80s and then closed up the week with a pep assembly. Bob rode his motorcycle to school, I got on it, and we rode into the gym to The Leader of the Pack. The students went wild!! Then the teachers did their own version of Dance Evolution, then we had a dance off between the grades using a Wii and the game Just Dance. I think it might have been the most fun assembly we have had yet!!

Coming into the assembly....

The kids go wild!!

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  1. How fun is this Terri?!?! You just made me smile, smile, smile!

  2. Anonymous4:56 PM

    What great ideas Terri. I love the pictures you have shared, especially of you and Bob on his bike! I can imagine the squeals of delight. Happy Easter!

  3. Anonymous6:04 PM

    Hey...is the girl in the poodle skirt Heather?!?!? I work with her mother!!! :)

  4. How cool was THAT?!!!!!



  5. That is just too awesome!!!!

    Becky K.

  6. This happened in our church 10 years ago at Easter. Coolness!!!


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