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Hans and Franz

It has been three weeks since my last surgery where I had expanders put in to my chest cavity. These will be systematically filled with saline solution to create enough space for my implants later in May. I have named my new expanders Hans and Franz from the old Saturday Night Live skit. On the days when I go in to Pump Me UP I can just tell my staff we are having a Hans and Franz day.

The doc fills a super huge syringe with about 2 oz of saline solution and injects the solution through a metal disk that is under my skin. The whole process takes just a few minutes and looks much worse that it really is. I have three Pump Me Up days in March, then we let the expanders rest for a month, stretching the skin and making room for my new (Bob hopes DD) implants. Bob is gonna have to keep hoping.

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  1. Well, it doesn't sound very fun...however, it is very awesome that these options are available!

    Glad you are on track to kicking cancer it it's teeny tiny hiney!

    Becky K.

  2. Oh do I ever have a solution for Bob, but modesty prevents me for suggesting it. ;D Typical guy!

    This all sounds very interesting, Terri. Good thing that you describe it so well or we'd need pictures.

    Take good care now...

  3. Poor Bob! LOL.
    Terri, if only everyone had your super disposition and your wonderful heart, the world would be a better place. Always the bright side of everything. Keeping everyone around you smiling and laughing.
    You are a blessing!!

  4. Oh no! That's what I thought I said. *blush* Okay, I'm backpeddling now... To be clear (it's my goal), I wanted to suggest an empathy Double D the way that men sometimes wear an empathy tummy during their wives' pregnancies. Oh dear. How much trouble am I in? LOL!

    I didn't buy anything new, but I do hope to get to the dollar store. Now you should go out and get something lovely to add to your collection!

  5. Your post makes me wonder how MY Teri is having reconstruction done .... I know her double mastectomy is the 25th but I think she may be having everything done at one time.

    It is uplifting (pardon the pun) to read your story and know that you have fought the good fight against this horrific disease.

  6. So good to hear your awesome sense of humor shining through! :)


  7. Your attitude and sense of humor is a beacon of light in this terrible scenario. You had me laughing.


  8. lol...poor bob... lol

    you are such a true inspiration!

  9. Why stop at DDs? I think you should shoot for EEs!!!


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