There is a new local restaurant in Jefferson City called Downtown Diner. Bob, Ashley and I visited there on Saturday. …
I didn't get the hot pink I desired, but I think the kids will like it!
This is Ashley and Eric's second wedding anniversary. I have been playing with my new iPhoto that came with my new…
On Saturday we went to the movies with Bob's brother Gary and his wife Joy, and his mom. We went to see The Diary …
Are you participating tonight? At 8:30 p.m. across the world, millions of homes and businesses will turn off their lig…
Our middle school collects books to send to libraries in Africa. They are having a contest between the MS principal an…
I was watching tv last night, American Idol if you must know, and Monica came on (the stand up comedian) who was showin…
Our cat Bustopher passed away this morning from symptoms of old age. Bustopher was a complex cat, he loved his family …
Bob surprised me with tickets to see the Doobie Brothers tonight in Columbia. Before the concert we had dinner with As…
A local insurance agency, Naught Naught Company, is sponsoring me this year in our local county Relay for Life. It wil…
Last Wednesday was Principals' Day and the students made darling posters for us and hung them around school. Our k…
It has been three weeks since my last surgery where I had expanders put in to my chest cavity. These will be systemati…