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When it is a dreary rainy day...

can there be any better way to spend it?

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  1. Anonymous11:34 AM

    That is soooooo sweet! Such beautiful and content pets to love. Have a nice day Terri.

  2. Well...I'm not seeing the masseuse in the picture but other than that pretty darned sweet!

  3. I can't imagine a better way....


  4. That photo made me chuckle! Whenever we start a fire (light the gas!) our cats come running and position themselves just like YOURS! I love it.

    Hope you're feeling OK!!! L, Dana

  5. I think not! What a beautiful fireplace to sit by. I'd put myself into a trance watching thee flames. Oh my! You must be working on your blog right now as a background...a cute one...just popped up!

  6. Awwwww! I loooove this pic!!!

    I am so sorry I am so behind on commenting. I am trying to catch up on so much now! But I think of you often and miss you, my friend!!! xoxo

  7. Terri,

    My first issue of Tea Time Magazine came!! The was an error with my house number so I guess that was the reason for the delay!

    I love it!

    Thank you so much, so very much, for thinking of me! I cherish it all the more knowing it's from you!


  8. I just don't think so!

  9. What a grand idea!



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