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Happy Birthday Tammi!

Yep, you made it to fifty. Now, if all those people were alive who betted you wouldn't make it, you'd be rich!!

Hope today is full of fun, joy, and laughter, and that you feel how much everyone loves you!

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  1. Anonymous4:16 PM

    Happy 50th to Tammi! I'm at 52 and loving it!

  2. Happy Birthday to your friend Tammi!


  3. Too cute, Happy Birthday Tammi!!

  4. I hope your friend had a great day! Tell her I LOVE Life is Good products....like that great shirt she's wearing!

    Hope you're doing well, Terri! Guess what? It's SNOWING again!! My hubs and I have tickets to see River Dance tomorrow afternoon. The Indep. Event Center isn't far from us....if the roads are bad, we'll walk! :)

    Have a great weekend! L, dana


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