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Fun at School!

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  1. Anonymous7:06 PM

    That's cute Terri. Hope you are doing better. Are you looking forward to warmer weather as much as I am???

  2. How fun! Hopefully this means your pain level is down! Hip Hip Hooray!

  3. Hey girl I am catching up!! I want the WII Dance game you are talking about. If it ain't fun, I ain't doin it. lol that's been my exercise philosophy since September. Have fun at the True/False Festival this weekend. The weather looks like it's gonna be great!! (We still have plenty of snow up here!)

  4. I love this, Terri!

  5. Thinking of you this morning, Terri.

    Love, Barb

  6. Now what are those things called? It really is a good way to "know" someone at a glance or to learn a lot about a person at a glance or to compare anything. They must have a name...hmmm...

  7. I really would love to exercise in my own home with a Wii....thanks for the nudge. I needed it!

  8. Need to add Hanz & Franz;)


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