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Oliver Christmas!

The weather wasn't very promising but we started out for Marceline and got there fine, thanks to Bob's driving. I am sure he was stressed from time to time because I saw him flex his hands!

Bob made taco soup for our lunch and along with mom's famous eggnog and goodies that everyone brought, we had plenty to eat!

Kassie and Tristan got a Wii from Grandma Tammi and so again, we had a fabulous time playing Wii Sports. There was a lot of talking and laughing as usual!

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  1. Beautiful holiday! Can. not. look. at. sweets. on. table. must. resist. all. sugar. ACCCCKKKK!

  2. Hi Terri! Oh, it all looks like such great fun. I love your wonderful pictures.

    I miss you too, my dear friend. Yes, we have to reconnect this coming year.

    Sending you love and hugs, Barb ♥

  3. So much rotten weather around the country over Christmas. Glad that you had an ace driver to get you where you were going. Looks as if it was well worth the effort, too.

    Terri, you're always on my main page. ;>

  4. Anonymous9:41 PM

    Pretty decorations, gifts and food - looks like a wonderful gathering! Happy New Year Terri.

  5. HOLY COW!
    That's a lot of presents under that tree!!!


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